50 Days of Camino

Kevin Soltysiak's travel log of the way of St. James, the "Camino de Santiago"

L'Isle-de-Noé — Monlezun

We learned that the castle served as a kids school when the sound of their parents dropping them woke us up. We arrived in Montesquiou just in time for the coffee break, and I finally had the rich idea of doing something about my blisters. I spotted a pharmacy, bought some bandages and there I was, with feet that felt brand new!

We started walking again, Loïc still having issues with his ankle. We arrived at Pouylebon around 14h and took our lunch break there.

Between Montesquiou, Pouylebon, and the littles towns of the past few days, it was hard not to notice how empy and desolated they all seemed. Not a lot of stores, usually only one trying to tend to all the needs; lots of closed shop and ruined houses… When you are used to live in bigger cities, it feels like being in a ghost town or in a place out of time. And the next town, Saint Christaud, was the same.

We arrived at our destination for the night, Monlezun, around 18h. We decided to plant the tent right next the school because we couldn’t find a better spot, and we would leave very early in the morning.

The town was located in higher ground that its surroundings, and we spotted a few ruins maybe one kilometer away, but we were too tired to go and there was no obvious path. But once it was dark, some lights made the ruins look really good. The article on wikipedia for Monlezun has a good picture of the ruins, which are from a castle it would seem.